Recent blind super-resolution methods typically consist of two branches, one for degradation prediction and the other for conditional restoration. Our experiments show that a one-branch network can achieve comparable performance to the two-branch scheme. How can one-branch networks automatically learn to distinguish degradations? We propose a new diagnostic tool – Filter Attribution method based on Integral Gradient (FAIG), which aims at finding the most discriminative filters instead of input pixels/features for degradation removal in blind SR networks. Our findings can not only help us better understand network behaviors inside one-branch blind SR networks, but also provide guidance on designing more efficient architectures and diagnosing networks for blind SR.
Filter Attribution Integrated Gradients (FAIG)
Key ideas of FAIG:
- given the same input, the changes of the network output can be attributed to the changes of network parameters (i.e., filters).
- The baseline network $F(\bar{\theta})$ is a pure SR network that cannot remove any degradations.
- The target network $F(\theta)$ is a re-trained network that can deal with complex degradations.
The formuala of FAIG: \(\operatorname{FAIG}_{i}(\theta, x)=\int_{\alpha=0}^{1} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(\gamma(\alpha), x)}{\partial \gamma(\alpha)_{i}} \times \frac{\gamma(\alpha)_{i}}{\partial \alpha} d \alpha\)
\[\mathcal{L}(\theta, x)=\left\|F(\theta, x)-x^{g t}\right\|_{2}^{2}\] \[\gamma(\alpha)=\bar{\theta}+\alpha \times(\theta-\bar{\theta})\]Results
- Our findings provide a better understanding of the mechanism under blind SR networks, especially, bringing insightful connections between popular two-branch methods and unified one-branch networks.
- The discovered discriminative filters for specific degradations allow us not only to perform degradation prediction, but also achieve a controllable adjustment of restoration strength without introducing extra parameters.
- Exploiting the interpretability of blind SR would bring great significance for future works in i) designing more efficient architectures; ii) diagnosing an SR network, such as determining the boundary of network restoration capacity and improving algorithm robustness.
More information please refer to our paper.
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title={Finding Discriminative Filters for Specific Degradations in Blind Super-Resolution},
author={Liangbin Xie and Xintao Wang and Chao Dong and Zhongang Qi and Ying Shan},